I know you can just go outside and see them for yourself, but I wanted to remind you how pretty they are.

Posted by Lucy at 10:22 PM 1 comments
so one thing i love about my current living situation: realising that the basket of washing that's been sitting on my computer chair (in my bedroom) for like a week can be moved to the middle of my living room floor. and there's noone to yell at me :)
the tragic part of this story is that, again, i am the only one who does the washing up around here. ugh. can't even believe the injustice of it all...
in other news, i'm trying life without capitals.
i've also decided that proshy 09 is not for me. which was a really hard decision to make, and i was quite disappointed. howevs as soon as i let that "want" float off into the enternal sea of helium baloons lost in the sky, i decided to take a week of annual leave (previously hoarded in case of urgent b'desh trip).
best. decision. ever.
things have taken a decidedly fantastical turn for the better :o)
p.s. plus sarah is pregnant, which is super-awesome!! Congratulations S&H - i would even break my capitals rule for this kind of celebration (albeit a temporary one)! i love knowing that there's a teeny tiny jellybean of a person in her tummy - a whole entire complex beautiful amazing person planned, known and loved by god. and we haven't even met them yet!
Posted by Lucy at 10:50 PM 0 comments