Saturday, June 28, 2008

Choose your own adventure

Tonight I sat on my couch and systematically picked through the plot chasms encountered during the first pre-ad break section of the hit Disney "movie" Cats and Dogs.

Then I realised what I was doing. At this time Alias seemed like a much better option. Cue: an awesomely choreographed fight scene and the poetic beauty of Sidney's outfit perfectly matching the monochromatic golden hues of her escape route.

Then I got mad at Will for just not letting Danny's death go - I mean, she told you to leave it alone, so just leave it alone!! Now that blonde agent it going to die and all because stoopid "i'm going follow my gut and be an investigatory journalist" Will. Not that I like the blonde agent, she's a bit flakey and not a good character at all, but still: I hate that guy. and NO: he is NOT good looking so that doesn't even make up for him being so stoopid. ugh.

I can't even see Francie as "good" anymore - not after what we went through in Season Two. She'll always be crazy double girl now. Which isn't so sad because she's kind of whingey and self-absorbed anyway, so in the end I'm content to dislike her character too. I think that might be why I like Season 3 so much - no more Will and Francie. But then Sid's sister turns up and she's kind of all "ooh - I'm such a free spirit. Ain't nobody gonna chain me down to no CIA or chair so they can inject green jelly into my arm to enable me to relay Rambaldi's secret message encoded on my DNA" yeah. That's a plausible storyline.

(I felt so ripped off at the end of the new Indiana Jones btw - but won't talk about it now cos a know people haven't had a chance to see it yet and might get mad for "ruining" the "ending")

At the end of the day I really only like Sidney and Vaughn. and Weiss. I'm glad Weiss got into Heroes. Might work on seeing season two of that once my current Alias re-visit is done. I'm really tempted to skip to season 3 now actually. Just remembered it's really annoying with her mum and the violins playing all the time in S2. hmm... i'll probably just plod on through most of it though, skipping the boring parts - like when you're trying to watch the BBC P&P in a short amount of time - aside from ffwd through Mr Darcy's first proposal and Mr Collins' you can also just skip the entire Wickham/Lydia sub-plot and you can practically cut out like two hours! Plus you get the added benefit of pretending neither Wickham or Lydia ever actually ever existed! Although Darcy's help in redeeming the scandal of their elopement does kind of add an essential depth to his character... hmm... anyway, I'm off to bed to read my copy of "Create your own Jane Austen Adventure". Definite contender for best present ever - Cheesy attempt at "bringing literature alive" meets Austen.

Will you escape from the ghost-infested theme-park with scary hall of mirrors and broken roller coasters? Will you ever find you way out of the haunted forest full of bears and lunatic park rangers and booby traps? Will you be able to manouver your way through your suddenly zombie-invested high school which for some reason you're visting on the night of a full moon? Will you make it to the dirt-biking championships? Take control. Be Elizabeth Bennet.